'Deep Water' (2006) directed by Louise Osmond and Jerry Rothwell
This is a fascinating documentary about amateur sailor Donald Crowhurst who, in 1968, set out to win the first solo non-stop round the world yacht race. This film builds tension and drama very effectively as the story behind this man is slowly revealed piece by piece. This is a story told largely through the use of interviews and stock footage from the time. Perhaps most interestingly, footage is also used that was shot by Crowhurst himself while engaged in the race. Through this, the film is able to explore Crowhurst's complex psychological state, delving into the immense stress and fear that he faced and the horrible situation that he found himself in. It makes for compelling viewing and it's an incredible story that is expertly told in this documentary.
'In The Loop' (2009) directed by Armando Iannucci
Transferring the world of the television series 'The Thick Of It' onto the big screen, this film is a subtle but hilarious take on international politics. This is a brilliantly written film with very snappy dialogue and some of the most creative swearing you'll ever hear in a movie. It's very cleverly executed with plot points that layer upon themselves, conjuring up numerous twists and changes in direction. Seemingly minor domestic events soon become large scale international affairs as the actions of characters on different sides of the planet are shown to be intrinsically linked. It definitely keeps the audience on their toes as the direction of the film's plot is likely to change quite suddenly, yet the film always feels very satisfying. The acting is brilliant, in particular Peter Capaldi, who reprises his role as the delightfully aggressive and foul-mouthed Malcolm Tucker.
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12 years ago
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