Friday, February 12, 2010

Well, yes, here we are again I suppose. It's true, I have been neglecting this blog somewhat. The reason? Well, I suppose when I started this thing, the idea was to chronicle the movies that I watched and to add in some other stuff too. Lately though, well, I've kinda stopped watching movies and thus, this blog has lost it's core structure. I still watch movies here and there of course, but I haven't deliberately been setting out to watch things.

Why is this exactly? To an extent, I felt like it was a bit of a chore at times. I wasn't getting the most out of the movies. Perhaps I wasn't in the right mindset? I was movie-d out I guess. So that's my excuse for fewer blogs, but I can assure you that the blogs will pick up again soon. Oh, I suppose the other thing is that my writing focus has been directed elsewhere. I have been focused on this zombie film project, but to a greater extent I have been writing a lot more short humour pieces for this other project I'm working on.

This week? Lots of work, I'm afraid. Soccer on Monday. Thursday I ventured out into the rain and met up with Kaiser, Lachlan and Caitlin at the Astor to watch 'Kill Bill 1' and 'Kill Bill 2'. I'd seen these films before, but not together on the big screen. You know what? I don't think they're very good, really. I feel that Tarantino's recent films have been a little too affected by that Tarantino-esque sensibility lately. It's as though he's been told a little too often how great he is and so the films have become a bit self-conscious. It's as though he's almost saying "Hey, you thought that was good, check THIS out!" That doesn't make them bad films, they're distinct, unique, interesting films all of them. But they just feel messy to me and the visual side of things tends to be a lot better than the writing. I do believe that Tarantino writes really great individual scenes in these films but altogether they don't feel all that cohesive. I'm not a big fan of the way he divides these films into chapters either. Interestingly, a lot of the stuff he was being lauded for in 'Inglourious Basterds' - structure, the mixing up of languages - it's all already prevalent in the 'Kill Bill' films. I don't know, I just felt that scenes tended to go on a little too long, dialogue was drawn out and nowhere near as punchy as in his earlier films. And at the end of the day, the storyline to 'Kill Bill' is pretty boring. If I was asked to choose which film is better, volume 1 or 2, I would probably argue that 2 is superior, though chiefly due to the presence of Michael Madsen, who gives the film a lot of character. But that's really just a personal preference.

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